I said, What can a little man effect toward such realizations in the face of the formidable power of great corporations, great states, and all their know-how, guns, monies, armies, tools and information? Then, self-answering: The individual can take initiatives without anybody’s permission. Only individuals can think, and can look for the principles manifest in their experiences that others may be overlooking because they are too preoccupied with how to please some boss or with how to earn money, how to take care of today’s bills. Only the individual disregards his fears and commits himself exclusively to reforming the human environment by developing tools that deal more effectively and economically with evolutionary challenges. Humans can participate -consciously and competently – in fundamental ways, to changes that are more favorable to human life. It became evident that the individual was the only one that could deliberately find the time to think in a cosmically adequate manner.
Excerpt from
The Buckminster Fuller Annual Memorial Lecture – 1997.
View the full article here www.moneyandyoublog.com
The Buckminster Fuller Annual Memorial Lecture – 1997.
View the full article here www.moneyandyoublog.com